Wednesday, June 29, 2016

WORS #4 Red Flint Firecracker

After a two year hiatus and a scramble for transportation, I headed back up to Eau Claire for the Red Flint Firecracker. Being one of the flatter, faster, and more technical races, it's one course I really wish I had gotten a chance to pre-ride.

Trek Topfuel looking fast!
After a fairly light training week and doing some of my first high intensity intervals of the year, I was optimistic about how my legs would feel and how the race would go. After Don sent us off, the pack hammered the long lead out before the first single track section aggressively fighting for positions. I managed stay in the top 10 sitting on Pete Karinen's wheel with Ben Senkerik and Casey Hildebrandt in front. I put every thing I had into staying with them but just couldn't hang on through the fast, difficult, single track and got dropped half way through the first lap.

Once again caught in no man's land I struggled with some more back pain and already fatigued legs, knowing it was going to be a long race by my self. Luckily Fletcher Arlen caught up soon after and we started to work together. We stuck together until the start of the fourth and final lap when he pulled way from me in some of the trickier single track.

A group of three had been hunting us the whole race and finally caught up right after Fletcher dropped me. Now in danger of losing the top ten I put everything I had into staying smooth and focused. One rider came by me and together we pulled away from the rest of them. In the last part of the lap he started to open up a gap on me and there was nothing I could do. Finishing 10th was not what I was hoping for but on a difficult course against a stacked field I did my best with what I had. On the bright side I know what I need to practice and work on to earn the results I want!

Big thanks to my coach Joseph Maloney, my family and my team, Team Wisconsin presented by KS Energy Services/MOSH for all the support! Also huge thanks to Emerys Cycling, Triathlon and Fitness, Midwest Orthopedic Specialty Hospital, Trek Bicycles, Bontrager, ESI Grips, Wolf Tooth Component
Mike's Mix and Honey Stinger for helping me so much. Everything but me worked fantastically this weekend, next time you read one of these it will be good news!

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